
Everything we do with our hands, it is so obvious that we hardly stop to think. With our fingers we can stretch, bend and
move sideways and carry thousands of operations. 
The hand consists of five fingers. The thumb includes two phalanges (small bones) and the other fingers each consist of three phalanges.Under each finger is a metacarpal. Below are again the carpal bones, eight in total. 

Walk from the forearm muscles and tendons in the hand and fingers. In the inside of the hand of the flexor, are muscles that cause the wrist and the fingers can bend. 

At the upper side of the hand muscles that cause the wrist and fingers can extend. Sit 

Between all the bones in your hand, sit gewrichtjes. Tendons are the transition from muscle to bone. The tendons in the wrist that will walk on the bone, are in tendon sheaths. These are a kind of tunnels with liquid. This guides the tendon easier on bone. 

In addition there are also nerves by hand.
Source: working body
