The shoulder - and usually the entire arm - should be to avoid that may be detrimental to the healing movements immobilized .
The " impingement syndrome " is among the most common shoulder disorders . This involves a narrowing of the shoulder joint . Bony parts rub against each other and bruising of the soft tissues in between , such as tendons or bursae . This can cause inflammation and even serious damage to property. To relieve the shoulder before or after surgery , the doctor will usually shoulder bandage or orthotic prescription ( medical arm fix , SAK ) .
If a rotator cuff tear , it will be surgically restored. Such ruptures can be caused by the constant wear and tear of the tendon or a fall on the outstretched arm . In such a case called schouderabductiespalken will be used ( SAS 15 , SAS 45 , medi arm sling ) . If there is a bone in the shoulder breaks , it is usually a fracture of the humeral head . This is both surgically and conservatively ( without surgery ) treatment ( Omomed ) .